Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Viruses Going, ATOS Anxiety Rising

The laryngitis seems to be subsiding hopefully I'll get my hearing back and get rid of the effects of these darn viruses. 

Jasper had a huge lump on his head that looked like a boil or something similar and then it popped in a mass of blood. He seems fine and after it was cleaned up it has been healing well.

I hate the ATOS assessment forms. They know what's wrong with me but seem to need to know again every so often. I'm doing everything I can to get myself back to health and back to work but it will take time. I'm supposed to be getting help from Ingeus too yet they are always messing me about. Switching me from person to person without any real reason and without providing any actual help. It seems pointless.


Depression Questionnaire (PHQ9):
Your Depression Score is 27/27

Anxiety Questionnaire (GAD7):
Your Anxiety Score is 21/21

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


The tonsillitis has gone and been replaced with laryngitis. Darn illnesses won't leave me alone at the minute. Hopefully I'll soon be well enough to go and get my dental work done that's had to be put off since last year. 
Hopefully my sister is having fun on holiday in Spain and hasn't taken any illness with her.


Depression Questionnaire (PHQ9):
Your Depression Score is 27/27

Anxiety Questionnaire (GAD7):
Your Anxiety Score is 21/21

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Had a blood test yesterday and I'm now increasingly getting more ill. 
Tonsillitis isn't very nice and the cough is ridiculously painful. 
Hopefully it'll pass soon.


Depression Questionnaire (PHQ9):
Your Depression Score is 27/27

Anxiety Questionnaire (GAD7):
Your Anxiety Score is 21/21

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Sylvester Amongst The Owls


Depression Questionnaire (PHQ9):
Your Depression Score is 21/27

Anxiety Questionnaire (GAD7):
Your Anxiety Score is 21/21